Wormholes can also be found which allow transport across dozens of parsecs into new star systems. As new systems are explored, random events are triggered and strange artifacts found in orbit around unexplored planets. Alien civilizations which are encountered can be negotiated with, or ships can engage in combat in a turn-based grid system. Research must also be done to discover and utilize new technologies. Exploration of the galaxy is done via scouts and colony ships, which can establish new planets as part of the empire. They must manage planet resources to build ships and facilities, improving production. The player takes the role of a ruler of one of thirteen races, while also having the extra option of creating a custom one.
Play Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares online! Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares game description Unlike the original the game can be played single player or with other human players. Master of Orion II: Battle At Antares is a turn-based 4x space empire game and is the sequel to Master of Orion, reinterpreting that game from scratch.